When Should a CDFA® Professional Join Your Divorce Team?
A Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® professional is usually not the first advisor to come to mind when a couple has made the decision to divorce. Yet, it is widely known that divorce settlements are often complex, costly, and emotionally charged. It is recommended to engage with a CDFA® professional as soon as possible in the divorce process to help minimize potential conflicts and costs. Having a CDFA® professional who can provide an objective financial assessment of the proposed settlements, before the divorce is finalized, can help increase the divorcing parties’ potential to reach a truly fair agreement. There are other scenarios that could make a CDFA® professional a noteworthy resource to consider as well. What happens if a financial advisor finds themselves in a conflict of interest and severs their advisory agreement with the divorcing couple until after the divorce is finalized? Or, what happens if the idea of sharing an advisor with a soon to be ex-spouse is unappealing or not an option? A CDFA® professional could help with important financial decisions during the transition, giving more time to think about who the next financial advisor will be after the divorce is final.

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