Life is a collection of decisions that have a compounding effect. The transactions we make throughout life are either contributing to our well-being or distributing from it and while happiness cannot be directly purchased among these dealings, it is a product of how we balance the inflows and outflows.
We believe peace of mind, heart, and soul are all possible. Making positive choices, especially as it relates to your finances gives the best chance to achieve your financial goals, make informed decisions, and navigate life transitions.
Divorce is a massive life transition. We can help you understand your financial picture and feel more financially secure through the process and over years to come.
The process can effect your outcome and the way your professionals work with you.
This voluntary, private process involves the couple working together with a professional team to avoid court and to achieve a settlement that best meets the specific needs of both parties and their children. A Participation Agreement must be signed by the divorcing couple and all professionals.
"We cannot ALWAYS choose our external circumstances, but we caN choose how we respond to them."
If you have questions or would like to learn more about how SoulFINANCIAL can help you meet your financial goals during divorce, please contact us for a complimentary consultation.